Do I Need to Take an Additional Vitamin D Supplement for Healthy Aging?

As we age, it is essential to make sure that we are getting enough vitamin D for healthy aging. Learn more about the recommended daily amount of vitamin D and how to stay healthy as you age.

Do I Need to Take an Additional Vitamin D Supplement for Healthy Aging?

As we age, it is essential to make sure that we are getting enough vitamin D for healthy aging. Vitamin D is a key nutrient for strong bones, healthy muscles, and a healthy immune system. But how much vitamin D do older adults need?The recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 400 international units (IU) for children up to 12 months old, 600 IU for people aged 1 to 70 and 800 IU for people over 70 years old. A similar randomized trial conducted in Australia, involving 21,000 people aged 60 and older, found that vitamin D supplementation was not associated with a decrease in mortality; at 6 years, overall mortality was 5% in each group. Children ages 1 to 4 should receive a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D throughout the year.

People at high risk of not getting enough vitamin D, all children ages 1 to 4 and all infants (unless they consume more than 500 ml of infant formula a day) should take a daily supplement throughout the year. Taken at appropriate doses, vitamin D is generally considered safe. However, it is important to consult with your doctor before taking any vitamin D supplement. Your doctor can help you determine the right dosage for your age and health needs. In addition to taking a vitamin D supplement, it is important to focus on other healthy habits such as getting enough exercise, caring for those who need you, and managing any chronic conditions you have. These habits can help you stay healthy and active as you age.