What Supplements Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy?

Learn about the supplements that pregnant women should avoid including vitamin A (retinol), liver-derived products (including fish liver oil), high doses of vitamin C, E or other vitamins.

What Supplements Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, it is important to be aware of the supplements and multivitamins that should be avoided. Vitamin A (retinol) should be avoided, as too much can harm your baby's development. Liver and liver-derived products, such as fish liver oil, are also high in vitamin A and should be avoided. High doses of vitamin C, E, or other vitamins should not be taken as supplements during pregnancy.

Prenatal vitamins are specifically designed for pregnant women or those trying to get pregnant. Compared to a regular multivitamin, they contain more of the nutrients needed during pregnancy. Your healthcare provider can prescribe a prenatal vitamin or you can buy it without a prescription. It is recommended that you take a prenatal vitamin every day during pregnancy.

If you are planning to get pregnant, start taking prenatal vitamins before you get pregnant. While some herbal supplements may be safe to take during pregnancy, many more may not be. Pregnancy increases the body's demand for nutrients, making prenatal vitamins an important dietary supplement. Additionally, some vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements should also be avoided.

This infographic is a useful guide to finding out what is safe to eat during pregnancy and what foods and beverages you should avoid. Magnesium supplementation has been linked to reducing the risk of complications such as fetal growth restriction and premature birth. Vitamin E supplementation has not been shown to improve outcomes for either mothers or babies and may even increase the risk of abdominal pain and premature rupture of the amniotic sac. It is important to learn more about taking medications during pregnancy, including over-the-counter medicines, herbal supplements, and vitamins.

Having a healthy pregnancy means following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, knowing what to avoid, and making sure your vaccines are up to date. Recent research has suggested that omega-3 supplements during pregnancy could help reduce the risk of preterm birth and that probiotics could help control blood glucose levels during pregnancy. As nutritional supplements are classified as “complementary medicines” they are not as tested or regulated as other medications. While observational studies have demonstrated improved cognitive function in the children of women who received fish oil supplements during pregnancy, several controlled studies have not demonstrated a consistent benefit. In addition, experts such as those from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommend that all pregnant people take a prenatal vitamin and folic acid supplement.

Supplements are abundant and it is important to note that this is not a complete list of all potentially harmful substances. It is important to note that while supplementing with certain vitamins and minerals can help fill nutritional gaps, supplements are not meant to replace a healthy eating plan and lifestyle. All pregnant women in Australia are recommended to take folic acid, iodine and vitamin D supplements.