Can I Take Meds and Vitamins Together?

Combining dietary supplements and medications can have serious consequences. Learn more about the risks associated with taking meds and vitamins together.

Can I Take Meds and Vitamins Together?

Combining dietary supplements and medications can have serious, even fatal, consequences. Before undergoing any surgical procedure, it is important to discuss with your doctor all vitamins and herbal supplements you are taking, including those that may seem harmless. Patients taking iron supplements or multivitamins containing iron should be aware that they should not take their supplement within two hours of receiving a dose of tetracycline or fluoroquinolone antibiotics, digoxin, or levothyroxine. To ensure that all providers have an up-to-date list of medications and supplements, it is important to provide them with this information.

This way, they can be aware of the risks associated with the drugs and supplements. The Health Information and Food Supplements Service is funded by PAGB, the consumer healthcare association in the United Kingdom. It is not usually available as a single supplement; however, it can be found as part of multivitamins and combined supplements designed to improve skin, hair, and nails. Herbal supplements may also pose a risk to polypharmaceutical patients because they can affect the metabolism of a drug or other supplements.